ࡱ> CEB[ RL4bjbj2>ΐΐW8Q<lpnK,w$ ~#n4&ccccccc $l!ck<0lc#!#c#ccl# : TTW{QZSXuOSfNAgreement of Joint Training for Doctoral Students W{QUSMObf[b(u (Use for training unit or college),gOSfN1uN N$Ne~{r[b02ue:NlS]N'Yf[TTW{QZSXv>mQef[b YNe:NTTW{QZSXc6eevW{QUSMObf[b0 This Agreement is completed by the signatures of both parties. Party A is the college of joint training for sending doctoral students in Hebei University of Technology, and Party B is the training unit or college of joint training for receiving doctoral students.2ue (USMOTy (USMO0W@W Party A: ( Unit Name), (Unit Address)YNe (USMOTy (USMO0W@W Party B: ( Unit Name), (Unit Address):NR:_ؚ!hKNvT\ONAm X:_f[uvW{Q(ϑ 2uYNSeqQ T_U\TTW{QZSXxvzu]\O 2uekt^TYNe>mQ1-3TTTW{QZSXu0In order to strengthen cooperation and communication between universities and colleges, and enhance training quality of students, the both parties shall work together to conduct the joint training program for doctoral students, in which Party A shall send 1 to 3 doctoral students for this joint training program to Party B.102uYNSeqQ T6R[TTW{QZSXxvzuW{QeHhv^[TTW{QZSXۏLW{Q TTW{QZSX(Wĉ[veQ[bv^v8h1. The both parties shall make the training program of joint training for doctoral students and conduct training for the doctoral students, and the doctoral students shall complete the corresponding assessments within the stipulated time;20YNe:NTTW{QZSXcOf[`Nxvz_v[agN0Y0xvz9(uI{2. Party B needs to provide the necessary experimental conditions, equipment, research expenditure and others for studying and researching of the doctoral students in the joint training;30TTW{Qg TTW{QZSX^(WYNec[ N_U\Tyf[`NSxvz]\Ov^[gT2ueGlbf[N[b`Q3. During the period of the joint training, the doctoral students shall carry out all kinds of studies and researches with the guidance of Party B and report regularly the situation of education to Party A ;40TTW{QZSXvf[M|NOYu(W2ue NNS2ue@bcOvVYRf[ё4. The student status of the doctoral students in this joint training program shall be kept by Party A, who still have rights to enjoy the scholarship provided by Party A; 502ue#TTW{QZSXveT{0f[MOcN0kN>mc]\O5. Party A shall be responsible for thesis defense, degree granting and graduation dispatch for the doctoral students in the joint training;60TTW{QZSX{u[Tyĉz6R^ wf[`NTccvsQ[hQd\Oĉ z01uNݏSĉz6R^NuvNRTgN~Nm_c1Y\1uTTW{QZSX# YTg]扯rl_ R\OlYt6. The doctoral students must obey all rela<L|N   Z  \ ^ f ĸĪČxnnxndXdXNXNXh$ehXG>*aJh$ehXG>*aJo(h$ehXGaJo(h$ehkHaJo(h$eh aJo(h$eh9aaJo(h$ehwEOJPJQJaJo(h$ehLk CJOJPJo(h$eh]*CJOJPJo(h$eh 5CJo(h$eh9a5CJo(h$eh6l5CJo(h$eh_5CJo(h$ehwE5CJo(h$eh\5CJo(|N ^ h p>tRr dhG$gdkH dhG$WD` dhG$gd"dhG$WD`gd\dpG$YD2gdYdpG$YD2gdXGgd9a WD`gd o $d YD2a$  h p &(p]e*1>.0<FRlptxɿzpfh$eh'aJo(h$ehcaJo(h$ehkHaJo(h$eh"aJh$eh"aJo(h$eh_aJo(h$eh/TaJo(h$eh1aJo(h$ehwEaJo(h$eh\aJo(h$ehY>*aJo(h$ehYaJo(h$ehXG>*aJh$ehXG>*aJo(h$ehXGaJo((PRVX^j6^~ ".024RZ\nrvx"02<>JLPRTXZל͜ל͜Ṧג׈Ṧh$ehaJo(h$eh]*aJo(h$eh/TaJo(h$ehaJo(h$eh'aJh$ehcaJo(h$eh*aJo(h$ehwEaJo(h$eh_aJo(h$ehkHaJo(h$eh'aJo(h$eh aJo(5T^(`)d++-../11j1116223G$YD2G$VDWDYD2^`gd1 dhG$WD` dhG$gdkHdhG$WD`gdQ*BP~ 8<v&&&D'T'~'''ù|z|q|q|qgh$eh|+aJo(h$ehCaJUh$ehCaJo(h$ehaJo(h$eh/TaJo(h$ehkH5aJo(h$eh aJo(h$eh[aJh$eh[aJo(h$ehcaJo(h$ehQaJo(h$ehwEaJo(h$eh_aJo(h$ehkHaJo(h$ehaJo(%ted rules and regulations, study carefully and grasp the related safety operation procedures. The doctoral students shall be responsible for all consequences and economic losses arising from violation of rules and regulations. If they breach the law, it shall be handled by related government sectors. 70Sh0lQ_N_DR gsQve0xvzyvbyxbge ^lf ,gyv/bg/e_0RlS]N'Yf[TTW{QZSXxvzuyvDRe)Q:NSponsored by Joint Doctoral Training Foundation of HEBUT  7. When publishing papers, research projects or scientific research achievements that are supported by the funding program, it shall state the information of  this project/achievement/paper has been sponsored by Joint Doctoral Training Foundation of HEBUT ;80TTW{QZSX(WYNeZPegmSvO[]\O _{u[YNevO[ĉ[0Y gl[ YNe gCggTTW{QZSX#N08. For the confidential work during the period of writing papers in Party B, the doctoral students must abide by all confidentiality provisions of Party B. If any betrayal of confidence, Party B has the right to track down the responsibility of the doctoral students;9. vQ[*g=\N[ 1u2uYNSeOSFU㉳Q09. Any unsettled issues shall be settled by the two parties through consultation.,gOSN_NN ~{KNew Nt^Q gHe 2u0YNSeTgbNN YgVEe-NbkbSR SeOSFU Ta0This Agreement is made in duplicate and shall be effective within three years from the date signed by the both parties, and each party holds one copy. In case of termination or alteration, it shall be approved by the two parties consensus.2uevz YNevz Party A: (Seal) Party B: (Seal) 2uec[^ YNec[^ ~{W[ ~{W[ Party A s Tutor Party A s Tutor(Signature) (Signature) eg egDate: Date: '(4(H(T(V(X(Z(\(^(`(b((()) )")$)`)d)f)))*.*6*v**+$+^+`+b+d+f+h+t+v+ĺēΊ΀wwwĺmh$ehaJo(h$eh3aJh$eh3aJo(h$eht'SaJh$ehcaJo(h$eh/TaJh$ehaJo(h$eh_aJo(h$eh/TaJo(h$ehkHaJo(h$eht'SaJo(h$eh(aJo(h$eh|+aJh$eh|+aJo(h$ehPaJo(&v+x+++++++++++,,,-H-------....T.Z.h.j......./0000úúúúװú׉uluh$eh'aJh$eh'aJo(h$eh oaJo(h$eh1aJo(h$eh@aJo(h$eh(aJo(h$eh@aJh$eh/TaJo(h$eh3aJh$eh3aJo(h$ehcaJo(h$ehkHaJo(h$ehaJo(h$eh_aJo(h$ehwEaJo()0001141D1J1T1h111112&2(242F222222233D3T3v3x3333444.404246484<4>4B4D4J4L4ϳϪhOX7jhOX7Uh$ehQaJh$ehYaJh$eh'aJh$ehkaJo(h$ehYaJo(h$ehaJo(h$eh_aJo(h$eh'aJo(h$ehMIaJ/3z33044464:4<4@4B4F4H4J4L4gd6JgdQ;G$WDYD2`;gdY0182P. 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