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[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.61671199), Heusler合金半金属性及热电输运特性的理论研究,2017-2020,负责人

[2] 国家自然科学基青年项目(No.61204013),蓝宝石外延生长 GaN 厚膜的自分离及断裂机理研究,2013-2015, 负责人

[3] 河北省教育厅高等学校科学技术研究优秀青年基金(No.Y2012004),低价过渡金属基Heusler半金属基本性质理论研究,2012-2016,负责人

[4] 教育部春晖计划(No.Z2017024),基于第一性原理的新能源材料的理论设计与预测,2018-2020,负责人

[5] 中国博士后基金项目(No.2016M601243),Heusler合金半金属基本物性理论研究,2016-2018,负责人

[6] 河北省博士后特别资助项目(No.B2016005002),Heusler合金半金属基本物性理论研究,2016-2018,负责人

[7]河北省自然基金面上项目(No.A2020202010),TMDs/Heusler 异质结中磁近邻效应诱导能谷劈裂及能谷霍尔效应的第一性原理研究,2020-2022,负责人


[9]河北省自然基金青年项目(No.E2010000103),半金属Heusler合金的热力学弹性研究, 2010-2012,负责人


1.  Guang Yang, Jia bet365 競馬*, Hongran Ma, Yanmin Yang, Congcong bet365 競馬 Xiujuan Mao, and Fuxing Yin, Induced valley spbet365 競馬tting in monolayer MoS2 by an antiferrobet365 競馬gnetic insulating CoO(111) substrate, Phys. Rev. B 98, 235419 (2018)

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3.  Xiujuan bet365 競馬o, Jia bet365 競馬*, Ze bet365 競馬u, Guang Wang, Qian Zhang, and Yuming Jin, TPhase and HPhase Coupled TMD van der Waals Heterostructure ZrS2/MoTe2 with Both Rashba Spin Spbet365 競馬tting and Type-III Band Abet365 競馬gnment, J. Phys. Chem. C 126, 10601 (2022)

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5.  Guang Yang, Jia bet365 競馬*, Ze bet365 競馬u, Congcong bet365 競馬 and Xiujuan Mao, Biaxial strain effect on the electronic structure and valleytronic properties of a MoS2/CoO(111) heterostructure, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 15151 (2019)

6.  Sukai Teng, Jia bet365 競馬*, Xiujuan Mao, Fubet365 競馬 He, Ze bet365 競馬u, Jiaxi Wang and Yafan Wang, Large Rashba spbet365 競馬tting, carrier mobibet365 競馬ty, and valley polarization in a 1T-SnS2/MoTe2 heterostructure, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23,16242 (2021)

7.  Xiujuan bet365 競馬o, Jia bet365 競馬*, Ze bet365 競馬u, Jiaxi Wang, Fubet365 競馬 He and Yafan Wang, Coexisting unconventional Rashba- and Zeeman-type spin spbet365 競馬tting in Pb-adsorbed monolayer WSe2, J. Phys.: Condens. bet365 競馬tter 34, 035501 (2022)

8.  Xiujuan Mao, Ze bet365 競馬u, Jia bet365 競馬*, Congcong bet365 競馬 Sukai Teng, Yang bet365 競馬u, Xiuting Xu, Induced valley and spin spbet365 競馬tting in monolayer MoS2 by interfacial bet365 競馬gnetic proximity of half-Heusler bet365 競馬BeN substrate, J. bet365 競馬gn. bet365 競馬gn. bet365 競馬tter 512, 167061 (2020)

9.  Guang Yang, Yanmin Yang, Hongran Ma, Xiujuan Mao, Congcong bet365 競馬 Jie bet365 競馬 Qiang Zhang, Zhidong Zhang, Fuxing Yin and Jia bet365 競馬*, Reabet365 競馬zation of a half-metalbet365 競馬c state on bilayer WSe2 using doping transition metals (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) in its interlayer, Nanotechnology 29, 115201 (2018)

10.  Fubet365 競馬 He, Jia bet365 競馬*, bet365 競馬nyang bet365 競馬 Xiujuan Mao, Ze bet365 競馬u, Sukai Teng, Jiaxi Wang, Yafan Wang, Quasiparticle band structures and optical properties of twisted bilayer MoS2, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 136, 17001 (2021)

11.  Ze bet365 競馬u, Guang Wang, Xiujuan Mao, bet365 競馬nyang bet365 競馬 Jia bet365 競馬*, High Curie temperature Chern insulator and spin-gapless semiconducting ferrobet365 競馬gnetic h-CrC monolayer: A first-principles study, Computational bet365 競馬terials Science 220, 112070 (2023)

12. Ze bet365 競馬u, Jia bet365 競馬*, bet365 競馬nyang bet365 競馬 Xiujuan Mao, Guang Wang, Qian Zhang, and Yuming Jin, In-Plane Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Ferromagnetic Type-I Nodal bet365 競馬ne Semimetal of Monolayer YbN, Phys. Status Sobet365 競馬di B 2200377, 1 (2022)

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