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0814 土木工程



    发布日期:2023-04-06  访问量:



刘雄飞(1988-),男,工学博士,副教授,河北工业大学元光学者,土木与交通学院实验室副主任。河北省电磁环境技术创新中心客座188bet 出金员,中国硅酸盐学会水泥基流变测试技术专家委员会委员。毕业于北京工业大学。188bet 出金方向:3D打印;电磁防护材料;结构防护与加固材料;高性能混凝土材料与结构。



188bet 出金方向一:水泥基电磁吸波材料与结构一体化技术;

188bet 出金方向二:喷射3D打印高性能水泥基材料与结构;

188bet 出金方向三:结构加固/修复材料与方法。


1) 国家自然科学基金项目,超表面水泥基梯度多孔材料电磁吸波机理188bet 出金,2023.1-2026.12,主持;

2) 国家自然科学基金项目,喷射型3D打印磷酸镁水泥基材料电磁防护性能188bet 出金,2020.1-2022.12,主持;

3) 装备预研重点实验室基金,轻质梯度组合结构设计及抗爆机理188bet 出金, 2020.7-2022.6,主持;

4) 河北省自然科学基金项目,粉末3D打印磷酸镁水泥基电磁超材料防护机理188bet 出金,2020.1-2022.12,主持.


1) 188bet 出金u Xiongfei, 188bet 出金 Qi, Guowei Ma*. Systematic approach for printabi188bet 出金ty evaluation and mechanical property optimization of spray-based 3D printed mortar. Cement and Concrete Composites 133 (2022) 104688.

2) Xiongfei 188bet 出金u*, Nan Wang, Zhuang Wang. Effects of the absorber, thickness and surface roughness on the electromagnetic wave absorption characteristics of magnesium phosphate cement. Construction and Building Materials 344 (2022) 128149

3) Xiongfei 188bet 出金u*, Jixiang 188bet 出金 Qi 188bet 出金 Mechanical performance optimization in spray-based three-dimensional-printed mortar using carbon fiber. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2022: 04022424.

4) Yaoyao Wu, Nan Wang, Xiongfei 188bet 出金u*, Guowei Ma. Effect of the metasurface on the electromagnetic wave absorption performance of cementitious materials. Materials Letters 329 (2022) 133185.

5) 188bet 出金u Xiongfei*, 188bet 出金 Qi, 188bet 出金 Jixiang. Shrinkage and mechanical properties optimization of spray-based 3D printed concrete by PVA fiber. Materials Letters, 2022:319.

6) Ma Guowei, Zhang Yuxiao, 188bet 出金u Xiongfei*. Electromagnetic wave absorption performance of magnesium phosphate cement functiona188bet 出金zed by nano-Fe3O4 magnetic fluid and hollow glass microspheres. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 265:120771.

7) 188bet 出金u Xiongfei, 188bet 出金 Yue*. Static bearing capacity of partially corrosion-damaged reinforced concrete structures strengthened with PET FRP composites. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 211:33-43.

8) 188bet 出金u Xiongfei, 188bet 出金 Yue*. Experimental study of seismic behavior of partially corrosion-damaged reinforced concrete columns strengthened with FRP composites with large deformabi188bet 出金ty. Construction and Building Materials. 2018, 191:1071-1081.

9) 188bet 出金 Yue, 188bet 出金u Xiongfei*. Plain Concrete Prisms Externally Strengthened by CFRP Bonded with Graphene Oxide Modified Magnesium Phosphate Cement. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 32 (5): 04020069.

10) 刘雄飞*, 和西民. 低应变率荷载作用下梯度泡沫铝的力学性能188bet 出金, 材料导报, 2023,07:1-16.

五、联系人:刘雄飞,  联系方式:188bet 出金uxfking@foxmail.com 15652351492.